Latest Bout:
7/22/2023 Burning River: All Stars 209 vs Windy City: Third Coast 166
7/22/2023 Burning River: Haz-Mat Crew 99 vs South Bend 269
WFTDA International Rankings

Latest Bout:
7/22/2023 Burning River: All Stars 209 vs Windy City: Third Coast 166
7/22/2023 Burning River: Haz-Mat Crew 99 vs South Bend 269
WFTDA International Rankings

Luck of the BRRG

  Most people who celebrate St. Patrick’s Day fall into one of two camps: those who observe its religious and cultural aspects or those for whom it’s a day of drunken revelry. Frankly, we don’t really care if you spend the morning at church or a Kegs and Eggs...

Goodbye, Luna Lovewound

At 3:22 p.m., February 20, the world lost Niki Vodraska, a sweet girl who loved drawing, styling hair, and spending time with her friends and family. She also loved roller derby. At the Burning River Roller Girls, we knew Niki as Luna Lovewound, #329, one of our newer...

January bootcamp and tryouts

Happy New Year, everyone! To ring in 2012, the Burning River Roller Girls will host tryouts later this month. There also will be a bootcamp three weeks before the tryouts to see where you stand with your skating and derby skills. You will be given feedback as to what...